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Help combat the ‘Human Risk Factor’
Sign up for the Cyber Security Partner Program. Your clients will love you for it!

A program designed to boost your value and secure better outcomes for you and your clients.

Helping you talk to your clients about Cyber.

FocusNet’s Cyber Security Partner Program (CPP) provides the tools to raise your customers cyber awareness and position your brokerage as a trusted source for cyber risk advice.

Cyber criminals don’t discriminate the size or type of business they attack, if you have data you are a target.
The key to protecting your clients business is to secure their most valuable asset – thier data.

The CPP is carefully tailored for your brokerage to help you to effectively engage your clients so they can clearly understand the risk and have the support they need to manage it appropriately.

E8+ Cyber Audits

Managing your clients risk helps to protect your business. 60% of SMEs never recover from a cyber attack whether they have a cyber policy or not, they are forced to close their doors within 6 months. You can’t sell an insurance program to a dead business! Our E8 Cyber Audits reduce the risk of a cyber attack, which could result in a painful claim and possibly the loss of your client. Additional benefits for you as the broker when offering an E8 Cyber Audit include:

Cyber Awareness Modules for Business Leaders

12 Co-Branded Cyber Modules Based on the ACSC’s Essential Eight Maturity Model

These 12 co-branded modules are designed for business owners/directors and will cover the basics of the ACSC Essential Eight, as well as other best practices that should be in place to achieve a strong cyber posture.

Content is delivered monthly to your customers selected principal(s) and contains a mix of pdf documents, web links and video/webinars. With the backing of a cyber technology partner, the co-branded content will help to position your brokerage as a trusted source for your customers cyber concerns.

Ideally, your customers will view you as a ‘one stop cyber-shop’ – eliminating their need to look elsewhere for cyber solutions.

Cyber Awareness Emails Sent Monthly to Staff

Improve your clients cyber risk posture with ‘end-user’ awareness advice

The co-branded awareness content covers a range of cybersecurity topics and works to achieve two primary objectives:

  • Reinforce your position as a comprehensive risk advisor – effectively strengthening customer relationships and client retention.
  • Help improve the cyber awareness and safe practices of your customer’s staff – resulting in less cyber claims.

The content can be delivered monthly to a selected principal(s) who distribute to the staff in the organisation. Alternatively, FocusNet can manage the user list on the customers behalf, sending the emails directly to the staff’s inbox.

FocusNet leverage Microsoft Dynamics to send and track email delivery, opens, clicks and responses. The system is fully capable of securely handling a large volume of customer details and sending bulk email campaigns.

Pre-Cyber Insurance Advice

As part of our partnership offering, we will provide you direct access to our Cyber Security Specialists for pre-cyber insurance advice.

If you need clarity on your clients IT infrastructure prior to applying for cyber insurance, or assistance with completing a pre-cyber insurance checklist, then our Cyber Specialists will be able to advise and provide confidential non-biased input to assist with your decision making.

We can engage with the client directly if required and provide feedback to both you and your client in a format that is clear and concise.

FocusNet SAT
“Reduce the human risk”

Help your Customers become Cyber Aware with their own Security Awareness Training Platform

The majority of cyber attacks are successful due to human error. The FocusNet Security Awareness Training (SAT) Platform will help to significantly reduce the human risk factor.

The self-managed platform includes:

  • Monthly Security Awareness Training Videos
  • Security Risk Posture Question Sets
  • Cyber Health Check Dashboard & Reports
  • Cyber Policy & Procedure Templates
  • Phishing Simulation & Testing
  • Cyber Awareness Posters
  • Dark web scanning
  • Easy user management

Emergency Cyber Response & Remediation

You get a call from a client concerned that his business is currently under cyber attack or has been the victim of a recent cyber incident and requires immediate advice and assistance.

They have no cover – what do you do?

With ongoing cyber incidents, time is of the essence, so a quick call to FocusNet’s Cyber-Response Team is your next step.

Call us… With an in-house Cyber-Response Team and tested methodologies, FocusNet can respond to Cyber incidents swiftly and confidently, helping to quickly asses and mitigate the risk, remediate the damage and minimise financial and reputational loss.

After your call to us, we can engage with your client directly or work closely with you to deliver the best outcome.

Once the attack has been thwarted and remediation and mitigation are in place, your client will breathe a sigh of relief, confident in their decision to call you for advice.

Your Own Cyber Specialist

There are a few instances where you might find yourself or one of your clients in a challenging situation from a cyber security perspective, which requires assistance to determine the best way forward. Our Cyber Specialist Advisors can help with:

  • Data breaches
  • Compliance issues
  • Cyber policies & strategy
  • Live training/awareness events

Support For
Presentations / Webinars
/ Events

The purpose of this partnership is to join forces to increase awareness on the importance of cyber security and how businesses can develop a robust cyber stance – from the perspective of both technology and insurance.

The setting and structure of how we achieve this can be tailored to suit the selection of clients but typically would consist of a short presentation followed by Q&A.

Marketing materials and are available for all events and can be delivered by FocusNet or yourself as preferred.

Cyber Security
Partner Program

The prevention and mitigation toolset designed for the modern insurance broker.

FocusNet’s Cyber Security Partner Program provides the tools to increase your customers cyber awareness and position your brokerage as a trusted source for cyber risk advice.

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